So in an effort to try some blog posts that are less geeky than the norm, I'm going to start off by discussing the weekend.
Friday Night is Gangster Night!
Friday was the "Gangsters" theme night for my wife's birthday. It involved everyone dressing up like a gangster (not a gangsta, but that would have been more cool). I didn't dress up, for the following reasons:
1. I had no time during the week to get a costume sorted
2. Gangsters tend to wear shirts, ties, etc., similar to how I dress for work. Thus dressing up in this attire has little appeal to me. I would basically have had the same outfit I wore for Sarah's

police theme night, the one you can see here. I went as a noire detective, wheras everyone else went as English bobbies. I'm so original :)
But if I had known that the next theme night would have been gangsters, then maybe I would not have gone as the detective before.
Doesn't my wife look so hot in that pic?!?3. I had approximately 18 minutes to get ready. Now, considering I got home at 6.25pm, and we didn't leave till 8pm, you may be wondering how 95 minutes of getting ready time disolved into a mere 18 minutes. This is because my loving wife invited her friends to get ready at our house; not just at our house, but also in our bedroom and using our en-suite. However, I'm not
really angry that bothered.
First Stop - Isaac's
We started off in Isaac's, a bar on the docks in Ipswich. It used to be a Vodka bar with a vast selection of flavoured vodka, and was great fun. It's still not a bad place to start off for a nights drinking, but was particularly quiet. And cold. And in the middle of another refurb.
Notable things: my nipples after the first ten minutes; Nicola coming on to John (kind of); discovering that Tasha is in fact louder than most of the others; Kim mentioning her kittens to Katie; Katie deciding she would like a kitten; Sarah Panplimpinim dissapearing
Second Stop - Ice BarThis was followed by heading to the Ice Bar, which is a run of the mill "bar-connected-to-night-club" sort of place, but I quite like it in there, especially as every drink was £1.50! Didn't matter what you ordered, it was £1.50. I'm not sure if all the drinks were supposed to be £1.50, but I have a feeling the pretty bar maids have trouble with the maths, and it's just easier to charge everything at £1.50.
Unfortunately for the hot gangster chicks we were with, there was an all woman toga party in Ice as well. And I have to say they were HOT
Notable things: John downing Sambuca (well, just the one) and doing a gas chamber; Anne's swimming dancing; John throwing up (is that notable or expected?); a bucket in the men's toilet, presumably because they knew John was coming

Laura, Sarah and Katie. John is just visible to the right. One of the hot toga girls is to the left.
Third Stop - New York Exchange Bar
We weren't in here for long; still not quite sure why we went there in the first place. The toilet is damn hard to find, however, and in the time it took me to find, everyone had finished their drink.
Notable things: John bought a round (no, seriously, he did); having to find the toilet by following Kim - unfortunately I followed her to far, but luckily nobody noticed I walked into the ladies room, and that is something I will take to the grave with me; John leaving at this point
Last Stop - Pals
I hate Pals. It's full of pretentious posers, all the blokes on the pull, ugh. But then, that's pretty much everywhere in Ipswich. OK, so Quilt never used to be full of pretentious posers, people that ugly couldn't possibly ever be called posers, but the door staff more than made up for all the uglies that drank there, stuck up pretentious twats. Must. Calm. Down. Pheww, there we go.
Anyway, we weren't here for long either; Katie and Sarah left first, followed by me and Anne. No, I am married to Katie, and not Anne, I have no idea why I didn't leave with my wife. There you go.
Notable things: Everyone leaving; some girls trying to take Katie's hat that I was wearing, some girl taking Kerry's hat that Stuart was wearing; Kim vanishing; Anne getting stressy at people at the taxi rank; getting home and discovering everyone was sleeping at ours, putting me in a foul mood and losing my bed to others. Bah.
So that was Friday night. Anyone who was there want to add any comments about the evening, maybe notable things that I missed off?