There's some sort of kickboxing match here in Ipswich, so what better reason do I need to inform some of my lesser knowledgeable readers about the greatest super-villain to ever appear in comics. And I mean EVER!
The super-villain? Well, the title may give it away to those in the know, but those unfortunates without a clue, see if you can guess. Is it:
The super-villain? Well, the title may give it away to those in the know, but those unfortunates without a clue, see if you can guess. Is it:
a) Doctor Doom (nah, too evil)
b) The Joker (wimp)
c) The Red Skull (too nazi)
d) Magneto (too self-righteous)
e) Batroc the Leaper (could be...)
e) Batroc the Leaper (could be...)
Ladies and gentlemen, presenting the mighty Batroc the Leaper

What's not too love?
He's French
He has a twirly moustache
He has a garish costume
And he speaks in an awesome french accent! He calls himself "Batroc ze leapair", just how cool is that?!? Other phrases - "Zut alor" "Sacre Bleu!" "Nom du chien" - and I'm fairly certain all these phrases are either wrong or used in the wrong context!
The best thing about Batroc - he twirls his twirly moustache! How cool is that?
Powers: None. He's just a kickboxer with a really silly costume.
And that is (seriously) my favourite super-villain of all time!!
He has a twirly moustache
He has a garish costume
And he speaks in an awesome french accent! He calls himself "Batroc ze leapair", just how cool is that?!? Other phrases - "Zut alor" "Sacre Bleu!" "Nom du chien" - and I'm fairly certain all these phrases are either wrong or used in the wrong context!
The best thing about Batroc - he twirls his twirly moustache! How cool is that?
Powers: None. He's just a kickboxer with a really silly costume.
And that is (seriously) my favourite super-villain of all time!!
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