Day two of our A-Team Casting Call, and this time it's the turn of Templeton 'Face' Peck, the con man of the team. Face is a failry generic character, and thus the possibilities of who to replace him with are pretty much endless (in fact Dirk Benedict himself replaced Tim Dunigan in the role).
Tim Dunigan as the first Faceman (yeah, who is he?)

Dirk Benedict as the second and only recognisable Faceman

Our first choice in this casting call is Matt Damon. He has the acting chops to pull it off, no doubt, and he seems a likely choice. But would he lower himself to an all ages action film?

Second up is Matt Damon's best friend Ben Affleck. I personally prefer Affleck to Damon, as I think he could carry off the charm and sleasiness much better.

Third choice, Brendan Fraser. No, not my idea, I think this is not a great choice. He has the charm, but I can't see him working as any kind of womanising con man.

Greg Kinnear seems to keep popping up over the net. Yes, he has the sleasiness inherent in Face's character, but he has all the charm of a wet rat that's been run over by a large lorry repeatedly. Yucky idea, the complete opposite of Brendan Fraser in fact.

Onto my personal favourite choice, although not a particularly well known actor, despite being in three X-Men films, Superman Returns, 27 Dresses, Interstate 60 (remember, I mentioned this film yesterday) and many others. And that's James Marsden. To me he just has the whole Face package.

And lastly, a woman. But not just any woman - Katee Sackoff, Starbuck from Battlestar Galactica. Wait, I hear you cry - but wasn't Dirk Benedict Starbuck in Battlestar Galactica? Well, yes he was, but in the in the new series he was recast as a woman, and I just think it the perfect of ironies that Face should get recast in the A-Team by the same woman who took his Battlestar Galactica role!

As yesterday, please leave your comments on those above and any suggestions you may have. I may have to skip tomorrow as I'll be having a long work day, but I'll be back with Howling Mad Murdock soon!
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