Monday, 5 May 2008

Iron Man review - sorta

Iron Man - short review, it's bloody excellent, go and see it...

It's up there with Spider-Man, which isn't bad considering Spider-Man is like my favourite super-hero and one of my favourite films.

The acting is brilliant, and Robert Downey Jr manages to nail the character of Tony Stark perfectly, even more so than Tobey Maguire as Peter Parker. And Jeff Bridges makes a pretty good Obidiah Stane. Stane was, I thought, pretty obscure for a villain in the first film of (hopefully) a trilogy, as he had one story arc in Iron Man back in the early 80's when I was reading the comics. In fact, he's more like Lex Luthor from Superman than your average Marvel villain.

However, the film works not only on an action film level, but also on a huge geek level as well. Iron Man's main supporting cast gets in, obviously, which would be Pepper Potts (great name), Rhodey and even Happy Hogan (played by the director, Jon Favreau). But also, look out for SHIELD, the jets that are called Whiplash, robot servants called Jarvis, and Stan Lee mistaken for Hugh Hefner.

Hmm, talking of villains, Obidiah Stane probably was a good choice. The Mandarin has been set up for the second film (possible bad move - he's a chinese warlord who wears ten rings, each with a different super power, and he can karate chop through steel - he'll need a huge overhaul to be taken seriously) but who could they have for a third film?!? Iron Man's rogues gallery is pretty limited compared to someone like Spider-Man.

How about the terrifying Termite?!?

This guy has the power of a termite - he can rot things like a termite, and tunnel through the ground. Unfortunately, he doesn't have the proportional strength of a termite, or any of the really cool inspect powers like Spider-Man. In fact, imagine Spider-Man if he could just climb up walls.

Hmm, I could probably have this lame villain in a fight, let alone someone with the super armour of Iron Man. I'm not quite sure how this character ever made it as a super-villain, let alone as an enemy of someone who can destroy tanks without breaking a sweat. No, he's probably a bit of a crappy choice for the villain in the third film, let's look again.

How about.... Blacklash?

He must have better powers than the Termite at least. What? A whip? And a bullet proof cloak? You're joking right? Wait, his whip is metal? Is that supposed to be scarier? Iron Man can fly and shoot energy blasts. Is this really a bad guy or just a very confused Indian Jones outfit? Funky boots though, and I like the name, though, so that puts him ahead of the Termite at least.

Sigh, lets try again...

Ah, I know, the menace of Vibro!!

Seriously ugly bugger, ain't he? And thats just his costume, never mind his face. His power? he can vibrate things... um, didn't we already cover this in a previous post about the Spider-Man foe Shocker? Who also had a hideous costume design...

I'm starting to realise why Iron Man never had the mainsteam publicity of other super-heroes; seriously, a guy who can vibrate things up against a man with bullet proof armour, energy beams, rockets and who can fly? What the fu...? Iron Man, you better get some new villains fast before the third film gets written, or you're real enemy will be shite box office takings.

Still, first film: great. Go see it.

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