Michael Schofield (Prison Break)

TV hero, about a structural engineer with byzantine (it means complex, I hope) plans, who gets arrested and imprisoned in Fox River penitentiary with his death row brother. Armed with only a tattoo laiden with clues, he manages to break out of the prison with his brother and a half dozen hanger-ons. Season 2 was basically Schofield on the run, and Season 3 has just spent about 16 episodes of Michael breaking someone out of Sona prison in Panama, for no explained reason. Rather than being armed with a complex tattoo or ingenious plans, he kind of lucks into a way to break out. Basically, it's just not very good.
Mister Miracle (DC Comics)

A little known super-hero with one of the worst costume designs EVER. He is a New God, raised on the harsh planet known as Apokolips, tortured and beaten from an infant. He learnt super-escape skills to escape to Earth, where he is not only a super-hero, but, yes, a famous escape artist performer. If that's not enough, he has a sidekick who is a dwarf, whose only ability is to be grouchy. And if that's not cool enough, he's married to a warrior woman who can trade blows with Superman and is named Big Barda. The best thing? His secret identity is Scott Free. Why he's not the most famous and popular super-hero of the twentieth century just goes to show how much life sucks.
Spock the Rabbit (Our pet)

Spock is a rabbit. He eats and poos. And he bites. Quite a lot. Oh, and he's bloody strong. And he escapes from things. A lot! His hutch, his run, his rabbit harness, the garden... he's almost impossible to keep locked up.
So which one is the odd one out?
Well, Spock the Rabbit of course, the other two are fictional. D'oh!
Although, now that I think about it, he's actually like a whole Mister Miracle comic in our garden! Look at the facts:
1. He's been raised with us. Living with Maddison and Stella must be like Mister Miracle's upbringing on Apokolips for the poor little fella.
2. As I've stated above, they're both super-escape artists.
3. Like Mister Miracle's sidekick, Spock is a dwarf (although, in the rabbit world he's something of a giant)
4. He has the proportional strength of Mister Miracle's wife.
Hmm, I must go make him a garish costume, put him in a straightjacket and throw him into a volcano.