Friday, 29 February 2008

Escape Artists

Which of these three is the odd one out?

Michael Schofield (Prison Break)


TV hero, about a structural engineer with byzantine (it means complex, I hope) plans, who gets arrested and imprisoned in Fox River penitentiary with his death row brother. Armed with only a tattoo laiden with clues, he manages to break out of the prison with his brother and a half dozen hanger-ons. Season 2 was basically Schofield on the run, and Season 3 has just spent about 16 episodes of Michael breaking someone out of Sona prison in Panama, for no explained reason. Rather than being armed with a complex tattoo or ingenious plans, he kind of lucks into a way to break out. Basically, it's just not very good.

Mister Miracle (DC Comics)


A little known super-hero with one of the worst costume designs EVER. He is a New God, raised on the harsh planet known as Apokolips, tortured and beaten from an infant. He learnt super-escape skills to escape to Earth, where he is not only a super-hero, but, yes, a famous escape artist performer. If that's not enough, he has a sidekick who is a dwarf, whose only ability is to be grouchy. And if that's not cool enough, he's married to a warrior woman who can trade blows with Superman and is named Big Barda. The best thing? His secret identity is Scott Free. Why he's not the most famous and popular super-hero of the twentieth century just goes to show how much life sucks.

Spock the Rabbit (Our pet)


Spock is a rabbit. He eats and poos. And he bites. Quite a lot. Oh, and he's bloody strong. And he escapes from things. A lot! His hutch, his run, his rabbit harness, the garden... he's almost impossible to keep locked up.

So which one is the odd one out?

Well, Spock the Rabbit of course, the other two are fictional. D'oh!

Although, now that I think about it, he's actually like a whole Mister Miracle comic in our garden! Look at the facts:

1. He's been raised with us. Living with Maddison and Stella must be like Mister Miracle's upbringing on Apokolips for the poor little fella.

2. As I've stated above, they're both super-escape artists.

3. Like Mister Miracle's sidekick, Spock is a dwarf (although, in the rabbit world he's something of a giant)

4. He has the proportional strength of Mister Miracle's wife.

Hmm, I must go make him a garish costume, put him in a straightjacket and throw him into a volcano.

New Trailer!

Do you think this will be the best film of 2008?

Or he best film of the new Millenium?!?

You decide!!

Monday, 25 February 2008

Monday Morning

Monday Morning checklist:

Not shaved... check
Arrive at work late... check
Have the hump... check
Make a cup of tea... check
Spend most of the morning talking about the weekend... check
Read e-mails... check
Look at my workload and despair... check
Wonder what's for dinner tonight... check
Blog and internet surfing... check
Phone somebody rather than start work... not yet!

Friday, 22 February 2008

Friday, 15 February 2008

Miscellaneous for today

I have managed to complete my timesheet for September.

Only October, November, December and January to go until I catch up.


I'm taking my gorgeous fiancee to a Valentine's Ball tonight; Black tie for me, green dress for her. We're going to look simply fabulous, darling.

My director will be acting as chaeffeur for the evening (more accurately, his wife will be acting as chaeffeur), so it should be a good night. Especially if it involves thwarting a group of extremist terrorists hell bent on destroying the Western World and taking control of the rest. Evil bastards.

Happy Birthday!

A bit late, but I just want to say


Captain Jack, I presume?

Monday, the 11th February, I went to see an interview with John Barrowman, star of Doctor Who, Torchwood, and possibly the gayest man alive*.

Well, the interview was short and sweet (clocking in at a less than impressive 45 minutes), but it was fun and enjoyable. Learnt nothing about upcoming Doctor Who or Torchwood episodes, which spoiled the whole thing a bit. I love a good spoiler!

It's nice to see a gay man who can revel openly in his homosexuality, yet at the same time not acting to the camp** feminine stereotype, which is so often found in the gay world.

I still believe the character of Captain Jack Harness has done more for gay acceptance than just about anything preceding it - from talking to friends, many children who have seen Doctor Who or Torchwood are no longer freaked out by two men tongue wrestling***.

And I will get round to my top 20 films soon..!

*although Sam, Katie's little brother, is looking like he could out gay the Barrowman - we'll keep an eye out for that

**John Barrowman is still camp - just in a manly way.

***These children may yet grow up to be sick and twisted due to seeing Captain Jack get his game on with just about anyone, but we won't know until it's TOO LATE!!!

Friday, 8 February 2008

Those that didn't make it

Before I start on my Top 20 Films of all time, here are some that didn't quite make the final cut...


One of the funniest films ever made, it's ingenious, with a brilliant concept. And despite the upbeat happy ending, it is extremely un-PC - especially as all the fat, ugly characters appearing in the film are played by generally good looking people. There is a message in there somewhere, but I don't think it's a very nice one!

The Man Who Would Be King

Sean Connery and Michael Caine - together! Based on the book by Rudyard Kipling (he who wrote the Jungle Book), it's a story of two old British Soldiers who travel to the far reaches of Afganistan (I think) to hire out their services as soldiers of fortune, training up the natives in modern warfare techniques. While fighting for a tribe, Connery survives a fatal wound with no harm, and the natives take him as their new King and God. Great stuff, with a cool ending.

Ben Hur

I'm actually astounded this never made my top 20 - it's a great story, a great film - it even has lepers and a guest appearance from Jesus Christ! Along with bloody dangerous chariot races, what more could anyone ask for, eh? I wasn't sure whether to include this or Spartacus in my top 20, but as Charlton Heston already gets an appearance, I thought I'd bump this one out.

Pretty Woman

It's a chick flick - so sue me. I like it.

Jack & Sarah

Erm, another chick flick - but it contains one scene that always manages to make me cry every damn time I see it, so it deserves a mention.

Back later with no's 20 and 19 of my Top 20.

Thursday, 7 February 2008

Good luck!

My sister is off to the Netherlands for a while to study at a top media college over there.

I just want to wish her well, and all the best. I'm sure she'll find it simple.

And don't forget Lucia, I'm only a phone call or e-mail away if you need any help!

Wednesday, 6 February 2008

I'm Here!

So this is my first post, on this, my super-new-blog.

I was finding myspace a bit limited, what with only two readers (sometimes three) - I'm hoping to branch out by expanding my readership. Can we reach up to gasp ten or more?!?

Well, not much else to add, I'm still trying to set this thing up.

Pop back in a day or two for my Top 20 Films of all time!